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Tarja Kallio-Tamminen

PhD in Theoretical Philosophy, M.Sc. in High Energy Physics

Kallio-Tamminen has explored the foundations of quantum physics, criteria and structures of scientific theories, and the cultural implications of natural sciences. Her focus is in the location and influence of human beings. In recent years she has focused more on yoga-philosophy and is actively co-operated with neuroscientists in development of EEG-guided meditation.

“I am attracted by the clarity and coverage of the Dynamic Universe theory and the increased order and unity it, together with the Period Doubling Mechanism brings to our picture of reality. Ultimately the theories call for a balanced harmony between the material and mental aspects of life.”



Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, PhD, natural philosopher, has completed her degrees in physics and philosophy at the University of Helsinki. She is an active researcher and lecturer in her field who has taught in Finland and in Sweden, enjoying also the more cosmopolitan atmosphere when visiting the University of Cambridge, UK, and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Information, Vienna, Austria.

The focus of Tarja Kallio-Tamminen’s interests is to examine whether modern physics is able to provide tools for new approaches and solutions to the perennial philosophical questions: how humans are related to material reality and what is the basis of our knowledge. The ontological aspect of the topic is thoroughly studied in her doctoral dissertation “Quantum Metaphysics, the Role of Human Beings within the Paradigms of Classical and Quantum Physics” which surveys the formation of western conception of reality laying special emphasis on the profound changes that have happened in antiquity and at the turn of the modern era. It is claimed that the common world-view is once again in the middle of turmoil as quantum mechanics cannot be interpreted or understood within a particle-mechanistic framework. The re-valuation of many accepted ideas concerning the nature and relations of objects and observers provides a historic chance for achieving a better understanding of man’s relation with nature. When responsible humans with all their mental capabilities can be seen as participants and evolutive factors in nature the need for Cartesian substance dualism is evaded.

A monograph based on the dissertation is available both in English and in Finnish. The volumes “Reality Revisited. From a Clockwork to an Evolving Quantum World” and “Kvanttilainen todellisuus. Fysiikka ja filosofia maailmankuvan muovaajina” include an excellent introduction to the natural philosophy of antiquity and to the fundamentals of classical and quantum physics. They are to be recommended to everybody interested in the human enterprise to understand the nature of reality.

Academic education, professional experience

  • BSc degree in physics, University of Helsinki, 1979
  • MSc degree in high energy physics, University of Helsinki, 1983. Thesis: EPR-paradox
  • Lic.Phil. degree in theoretical philosophy, University of Helsinki, 1994. Thesis: Niels Bohr - Reconstructing the Physical Worldview
  • PhD degree in theoretical philosophy, University of Helsinki, 2004. Thesis: Quantum Metaphysics. The Role of Human Beings within the Paradigms of Classical and Quantum Physics (Full text, pdf)

In the beginning of 80’s Kallio-Tamminen was working as a Research assistant checking bubble chamber pictures at the University of Helsinki and later as a lecturer in physics, chemistry and mathematics at the High school of Taavetti in Eastern Finland. In 90's Kallio-Tamminen moved back to Helsinki and was working part time as a Lecturer in physics and philosophy at various folk colleges in Helsinki region. She was also active in initiating the Green Cultural Association in Finland and as its President was involved in many environmental and educational projects, for example serving as the Chief editor in the online philosophical magazine She completed her doctoral thesis acting as a Researcher in the Academy of Finland, Projects ”Modern theology and the change in the western conception of reality” and “Theology and the conception of reality” directed by prof. Eeva Martikainen, Department of Systematic Theology, University of Helsinki 1999-2003. And after that worked as a Lecturer in theoretical philosophy, School of Humanities and Informatics, University of Skövde, Sweden; Introductory and basic level courses in history of philosophy, philosophy of science, epistemology and metaphysics 2003-2005 and a Visiting researcher in the Institute for Quantumoptik and Quantuminformation, University of Vienna 2006. Since 2007 Kallio-Tamminen has been an Independent researcher, science writer and lecturer who is running her own philosophy practice called KalpaTaru.

Books and conference presentations

Kvanttilainen todellisuus: Fysiikka ja filosofia maailmankuvan muovaajina (Kallio-Tamminen 2006)

Helsinki University Press, 2006, second edition, Gaudeamus 2008

Reality Revisited: From a Clockwork to an Evolving Quantum World (Kallio-Tamminen 2008)

VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, 2008

On the essence of quantum / Kvantin olemuksesta (Kallio-Tamminen 2014)

In Finnish, Luonnonfilosofian seura 2014-0304 (slides)

Science, Consciousness and Spirituality (Kallio-Tamminen 2011)

Toward a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm, Sweden. May 3.-7. 2011 (text)

Suomenkielisiä julkaisuja (publications in Finnish)

  • Kohti uutta todellisuuskäsitystä – kvanttimekaniikka ja termodynaaminen energiavirta. Tieteessä tapahtuu 1/2011.
  • Elämmekö kulttuurimurroksen keskellä? Katsaus 4/2009. Kokemus, todellisuuden hahmottamisen perusta, in Oppi ja maailmankuva, Ed. Tomi Karttunen, STKS, 2009.
  • Tiede ja ihmisen psykodynamiikka, Suomen joogalehti 2/2008
  • Muodon ja materian leikki. Onko intialainen ajattelu sukua modernille fysiikalle, Guruja, joogeja ja filosofeja, ed. Tapio Tamminen, WSOY, 2008
  • Aivot, mieli ja tietoisuus vedalaisessa ajattelussa, Futura 3/2007
  • Kvantit ja maailmankuvan murros, Elonkehä 4/2005
  • Ihmisen tietoisen toiminnan ymmärtäminen klassisessa ja kvanttiviitekehyksessä, Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen seura ry:n Futura-lehti 3/2002
  • Dualismista komplementaarisuuteen, Luonnontieteen haaste teologialle ja filosofialle, ed. Seppo Laurema and Olli Hallamaa, Helsingin yliopiston Systemaattisen teologian laitoksen julkaisuja 17. Luther-Agricola-Seura, 2001
  • Havaitsijan asema kvanttimekaniikan kööpenhaminalaisessa tulkinnassa, Tieteessä tapahtuu 5/2000
  • Todellisuuskäsitys ja moderni fysiikka, Review of Werner Heisenberg’s book Physics and Philosophy, Tieteessä tapahtuu 8/2000
  • K.V. Laurikainen ja kööpenhaminalainen tulkinta, in Avartuva ajatus, Ed. Urho Ketvel ym. Luonnonfilosofian seuran julkaisuja IV, 1999
  • Konekultturi saa kuolla, teknis-taloudellinen determinismi ei elä ilman uskoa in Tietoyhteiskunnan harha, Ed. Rauno Seppänen, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Puijo, 1998
  • Kööpenhaminan tulkinta ja tietoisuus, in Vastakohtien todellisuus, ed.Urho Ketvel, Yliopistopaino, 1996
  • Muuttuva maailmankuva in Tulevaisuuden ympäristöteot, Ed. Antti Immonen, Dodo ry and Vihreä Sivistys- ja opintokeskus, 1996 Kvanttilainen todellisuus, Skepsis 3/1995
  • Kvanttivallankumous ja ihminen - syrjässä olevasta havaitsijasta evolutiiviseksi vaikuttajaksi, Kanava 8/1995
  • Martti Siirala ja ihmisyysidentiteetin kriisi in Messianismi, Ed. Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, Vihreä Sivistysliitto 1994
  • Ihminen todellisuuden näyttämölle, Yliopisto-lehti 22/1993

Editoituja kirjoja (edited books in Finnish)

  • Ruohonjuurista elämänpuuksi - suomalainen vaihtoehtoliikehdintä, Ed. Tuula Heima-Tirkkonen, Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, Tove Selin Vihreä Sivistysliitto, 1996
  • Viisaita visioita, kauheita kuvia - Minne maailma on menossa, Ed. Tarja Kallio-Tamminen and Riitta Vaismaa, Vihreä Sivistysliitto 1996 Messianismi, Ed. Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, Vihreä Sivistysliitto 1994

Articles in scientific anthologies and conference proceedings

  • Dynamic Universe – natural science and philosophy in unison, Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 1466 (2020) 012005
  • EEG-Guided Meditation: A Personalized Approach, Andrew Fingelkurts, Alexander Fingelkurts and Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, Journal of Physiology-Paris, 2015. Full PDF Paper
  • K.V. Laurikainen Extending the Limits of Science in K.V. Laurikainen The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy 25 Years. Ed. Juha Samela and Avril Styrman. Helsinki 2015. Full PDF Paper
  • Fundamental concepts - From force to energy, Tuomo Suntola, Ari Lehto, Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, Heikki Sipilä, International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science. Special Issue:Quantum Vacuum, Fundamental Arena of the Universe: Models, Applications and Perspectives. Vol. 2, No. 6-1, 2014, pp. 46-56. Full PDF Paper
  • Quantum Physics and Eastern Philosophy, Toward a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm, Sweden. May 3.-7. 2011, Presentation, pdf
  • Tangled in Entanglements, A. Annila and T. Kallio-Tamminen, Physics Essays 2012 25, 495–499. 2010.
  • Dynamic Universe and the Conception of Reality, Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory XI, Imperial College, London 8-11 September 2008, Presentation, ppsx
  • Expanding Ontology, Locus for Autonomous Subjective states in Quantum Framework, Human Approaches to the Universe - An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Ed. Eeva Martikainen. Luther-Agrigola-seura. 2005
  • Niels Bohr’s Complementarity – A Linguistic Tool for Trancending the Myths of Objectivity and Subjectivity, Towards Otherland, Languages of Science and Languages Beyond. INTAS Volume of Collected Esseys 3. Ed. Rainer E. Zimmermann and Vladimir G. Budanov. Kassel University Press, 2005
  • Free Will and Natural Order, Niels Bohr’s ideas concerning Observers and Actors in the Quantum World, Studies in Science and Theology, SSTh, volume 9, Yearbook of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology 2003. Ed. Ulf Görman, Willem B. Drees and Hubert Meisinger, 2004
  • The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the Question of Causality, Infinity, Causality and Determinism - Cosmological Enterprises and their Preconditions, Ed. Eeva Martikainen. Peter Lang 2002
  • Mind in Quantum Mechanics, New Directions in Cognitive Science, ed. P. Pylkkänen and P. Pylkkö, Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society, 1995.

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