Renewable Energy, Climate Change
Renewable energy
Tuomo Suntola, "Maapallon energiaratkaisut: Mistä puhdasta energiaa?"
Energiatekniikan tutkijakoulun vuosiseminaari, TKK 27-28.8.2007, Espoo (Presentation in Finnish) MISSING LINK
World Energy Council
Masao Morishita, Tuomo Suntola, "Crosscutting technologies team working report" , WEC Executive Assembly, Kiev, Ukraine, September 2003
The Effect of acidification on the CO2 balance
Suntola, T., Turunen, H., Kobylin, P., Salminen, J., Liukkonen, S., Do the SOx and NOx emissions contribute to the increase of the CO2 level through acidification of soil and waters?, Living with Climate Variability and Change, WMO2006, 17-21.7.2006, Espoo, Finland Poster presentation
Renewable energy
Selected papers and conference presentations
- Masao Morishita, Tuomo Suntola, "Crosscutting technologies team working report" , WEC Executive Assembly, Kiev, Ukraine, September 2003
- T. Suntola, "Solar Energy - a Dream or a Necessity?", Keynote address, PV CON’95, September 18 - 20, 1995, South Africa
- T. Suntola, "Solar Energy for Large Scale Electrification", 6th ASEAN Conference on Energy Technology, August 28 - 29, 1995, Bangkok.
- T. Suntola, "Thin Film Solar Cells - The State of the Art", 6th ASEAN Conference on Energy Technology, August 28 - 29, 1995, Bangkok
- T. Suntola, "Case Study: Cadmium Telluride", Tutorial session: Thin-Film Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology, 1st World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, December 5-9, 1994, Hawaii
- T. Suntola, "Why Thin Film PV? "Tutorial session: Thin-Film Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology, 1st World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, December 5-9, 1994, Hawaii
- R.E.I.Schropp, D.Leone, J.Hyvärinen, J.Skarp, T.Suntola, J.W.Metselaar, M.Zeman, D.Guillardeau, W.Loyer, E.Fabre, "Cost-effective Large Area Integrated Multijunction Amorphous silicon solar Cell Structures", CLIMAX, 12th E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., 11-15 April, 1994 p.1253-1256
- T. Suntola, "Thin Film Solar Cells", Proc. 11th E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., 12-16 October, 1992, Montreux, Switzerland, p. 977-980
- T. Suntola, "The Future of Photovoltaic Power", Council of Europe, Committee on Science and Technology, Helsinki, June 27, 1991